About me

Hello, I’m Theresa

Learn English with Theresa is a new and fun way to learn written and spoken English from the comfort of your home, wherever you are in the world.

Here are a few reasons why I may be the perfect learning partner for you:

  • I am English and I enjoy incorporating British culture into my lessons – I also love learning about my students’ culture and way of life.
  • I’m proud to hold the CELTA qualification, the most widely recognised English teaching qualification in the world.
  • My fees start at only 16 Euros for a 45 minute lesson, with discounts available for monthly commitments.
  • Unlike the larger language sites who invite you to wade through hundreds of potential tutors, you will be under the guidance of me and nobody else.

 Why choose me?

I have a wealth of experience

I’ve been teaching English as a Foreign Language for over six years and have physically taught in the classroom in London, Oxford and Andorra.

 I’m professional

In 2018 I obtained the CELTA from Cambridge qualification, the most widely recognised English teaching qualification in the world.

I’m genuinely interested about You!

Many of my students have become lifelong friends and often choose to keep in touch with me long after their lessons have finished 🙂


No more roadblocks

I have a good understanding of the roadblocks along the way when learning English and I can help you overcome them.

I’m affordable

My prices start at only 16 Euros for a 45 minute lesson.

 It’s just me 🙂

You will be learning and communicating with me, Theresa, and not a large, faceless language organisation.

 Tired of searching through hundreds of teacher profiles?

 Let’s have a FREE 30 minute lesson to test your level and to get to know you before you start studying with me 🙂

My ‘Learning English with Theresa’ plans

Beginner’s English

Suitable For:


Recommended Lessons:


My Fee:

My fee starts at 16 Euros Per 45 Minute Lesson

Course Description

By the end of this level you will be more confident – your level of understanding will have improved and your range of vocabulary will have increased. You will be able to create simple sentences and talk about past events in your life using the Past Simple and Past Continuous tenses. You will feel more confident talking about everyday situations like going to the doctor, travel and vacations and about your work.

Each lesson includes grammar, such as the tenses, prepositions, phrasal verbs and linking words. We work together on your fluency and learning new words, phrases and expressions commonly used in English. I can correct you on your pronunciation and you will feel like you have made good progress on your English-speaking journey.

Elementary English

Suitable for:

Elementary students

Recommended Lessons:


My Fee:

My fee starts at 16 Euros Per 45 Minute Lesson

Course Description

Let’s get you comfortable with the basics of the English language;

By the end of this level you will be able to introduce yourself and others, speak about yourself, your family, country, job and hobbies. You will be able to ask and answer questions, have simple conversations and deal with everyday situations like booking a table at a restaurant or asking for directions.

Each lesson includes basic grammar such as the Present Simple tense, the Present Continuous, the negative and interrogative form; basic vocabulary, prepositions; common phrases and role plays based on real-life situations.

We work on your pronunciation together – this will boost your confidence and help you master simple conversations.

Intermediate English

Suitable For:

Individuals with a basic knowledge of English

Recommended Lessons:


My Fee:

My fee starts at 16 Euros Per 45 Minute Lesson

Course Description

By the end of this level you will have been introduced to new tenses and you will have practised using them in a variety of different situations. Your accuracy will have improved and you will feel more confident about your fluency. You will be able to converse easily in social situations, exchange opinions with other people. Your range of vocabulary will have expanded and you will have learnt how to talk about more complex topics. You will be familiar with most of the tenses and you will know when it is appropriate to use each one in conversation or when writing.

Topics include, but are not limited to: interviewing; negotiating; travel; education and work; describing things and talking about imaginary situations.

Upper Intermediate English

Suitable For:

Individuals with a solid foundation in English

Recommended Lessons:


My Fee:

My fee starts at 16 Euros Per 45 Minute Lesson

Course Description

By the end of this level you will be able to communicate more fluently and be more accurate when you engage with native English speakers. You will be more confident in work, academic and social settings and be able to talk about a wide range of topics such as Art; work related topics; current affairs and the environment.

If you have any particular difficulties, for example prepositions, pronunciation or when to use a specific tense in an appropriate way, we can work on those areas of weakness together. Your reading skills will have improved and your level of comprehension. You will be more comfortable engaging with native speakers and you will be able to exchange opinions and justify your point of view with them.

Each lesson will include elements of grammar, reading and conversation. You will be able to practise your spoken English and focus on deepening your knowledge of the grammar points we cover.

Advanced English

Suitable For:

Individuals who are comfortable speaking, reading and writing in English

Recommended Lessons: :


My Fee:

My fee starts at 16 Euros Per 45 Minute Lesson

Course Description

By this level, you will be very comfortable with engaging with native English speakers. We hone your grammar skills together and work on expanding your range of vocabulary, We discuss interesting articles and help you respond spontaneously in conversation and approach negotiations confidently and competently. Topics include the environment, current affairs; books and art, travel and you have a lot of freedom to dictate what your specific needs might be.

By now you will be aware of any difficulties you might have, such as pronunciation or the appropriate use of prepositions. We work on these together and rectify any problems or insecurities you may have regarding your English speaking or writing skills.

Business English

Suitable For:

Individuals wanting to develop their business English knowledge

Recommended Lessons:


My Fee:

My fee starts at 16 Euros Per 45 Minute Lesson

Course Description

By the end of this course, you will be better prepared for business presentations, you will be able to approach your negotiations in a diplomatic way, participate in business meetings confidently and expand your range of work-related vocabulary.

We will focus on your communication skills, cross-cultural awareness, ability to write effective emails and work related documents. Learn more about the structure of companies. Any gaps in your grammar knowledge that arise we can work on and we can improve on any areas of weakness that you have.

Conversational English

Suitable For:

Individuals who want to improve their conversation in English on a range of topics

Recommended Lessons:


My Fee:

My fee starts at 16 Euros Per 45 Minute Lesson

Course Description

A wide range of topics will be discussed and you will become more confident about exchanging your opinions and points of view. Some lessons will be based on a short reading passage and any grammar that you need to cover will be addressed. We will do some exercises related to the text to help you expand your range of vocabulary and comprehension skills.

The conversations will be interesting and engaging. If you have any particular topics you would like to talk about, we can discuss those – I have prepared material, but this course offers a lot of flexibility in terms of input from you. You continue to learn and practise your speaking skills. Let’s get started!

Questions that are often asked

  • How are the lessons delivered?

    I normally use Zoom, but I’m happy to use Teams.
  • Are the lessons recorded?

    Yes, all of the lessons are recorded so that you can revisit them at any time.
  • How much are the lessons?

    A five lesson package is 18 Euros per lesson, a ten lesson package is 17 Euros per lesson and a 20 lesson package is 16 Euros per lesson.
  • I have been learning English for a long time, but I have no confidence when speaking to a native speaker. How can I improve this?

    This is a common problem, students know their grammar and are comfortable reading or even writing in English. The key is to practise your speaking skills and expose yourself to the English language as much as possible. Making mistakes is natural and you shouldn’t be embarrassed about any you make! Just remember that you are fluent in (at least) one other language and someone learning your language will make mistakes as well!
  • I studied English at school, so I know my grammar and the structure of the English language, however, I can’t speak English and I have difficulty remembering vocabulary. We didn’t focus on speaking at school. Can you help?

    Having a firm foundation in the grammar and structure of the language is an excellent start. However, the most important reason to learn English is to communicate effectively. Speaking English is key to your improvement – don’t worry about being perfect at first as this will put you in a stressful situation, allow yourself to speak and you will be surprised as to how fluent you are. I am here to help you when you stumble, and I will correct you in class – this will help you overcome any difficulties you might have.

 What my wonderful students say about me 🙂

“Ringrazio Theresa perché mi ha aiutato nello studio dell’inglese con lezioni piacevoli.
Mi da la possibilità di parlare, correggendomi quando serve.
Mi aiuta soprattutto nella comprensione che a mio parere è la cosa più complicata nello studio dell’inglese.”



“I thank Theresa because she helped me in studying English with pleasant lessons.

It gives me the opportunity to speak, correcting me when needed.

It helps me above all in understanding which in my opinion is the most complicated thing in studying English”



“Theresa ist eine sehr aufmerksame Lehrerin und eine gute Zuhörerin. Dabei korrigiert sie mich, wenn es nötig ist, und gibt ein motivierendes Feedback. Sie ist vielseitig interessiert und wir finden immer ein Thema, über das wir auf Englisch sprechen können. Man merkt, dass sie gern unterrichtet und eine gute Lehrerin ist.”



“Theresa has a very attentive and interactive teaching style. She listens carefully to what I say, corrects me, if it’s needed, and gives some motivating feedback. She is interested in many things, so we always can find a topic to speak about in English. Obviously, she likes teaching and her student and she is a good teacher.”



“Ho conosciuto Theresa circa due anni fa. Fin da subito ho trovato il suo metodo di studio molto empatico e ciò mi ha permesso di imparare e praticare la lingua inglese con serenità e scioltezza.

Sono quindi molto contento di aver avuto come docente Theresa perché mi ha consentito di acquisire una buona conoscenza dell’inglese nei diversi contesti.”

Andrea M


“I met Theresa about two years ago. Right away I found her method of study very empathetic, which allowed me to learn and practice the English language with serenity and fluency.

Therefore, I am very happy to have had Theresa as my teacher because she has enabled me to acquire a good knowledge of English in different contexts.”

Andrea M


“Ho avuto il piacere e la fortuna di conoscere l’insegnante Theresa W. La mia esperienza di studio è stata fantastica. L’insegnante Theresa W. è una professionista competente. Ha una conoscenza ampia e approfondita della lingua da trasmettere.

Ha anche un dono raro, la capacità di motivare i suoi studenti. È una persona creativa e mostra sempre passione per l’insegnamento. È molto paziente e didattica. Auguro a tutti di incontrare Theresa W.

Grazie Theresa per avermi aperto un nuovo mondo!”



“I had the pleasure and good fortune to know Theresa W. My study experience was amazing. Teacher Theresa W is a competent professional and has a broad and in-depth knowledge of the language to be transmitted.

She also has a rare gift, the ability to motivate her students. She is a creative person and always shows passion for teaching. She is very patient and didactic. I wish everyone to meet Theresa W.

Thank you Theresa for opening up a new world to me!”



“Nagyon jó volt Theresa-val tanulni. Ő egy kedves és türelmes tanár. Engem főleg a nyelvtan és az üzleti angol érdekelt. 

Nagyon sokat segített nekem a vele való munka.”



“Learning with Theresa was an enjoyable experience. 

She is a very kind and patient teacher. My main focus was grammar and business English. She could help me a lot.”





    Let’s talk English…

    Thank you for visiting my website. If you have any questions, would like to check my availability and sample a FREE 30 minute lesson, or would simply like to chat about your English goals and aspirations, please email me at titchy68@gmail.com or send me a message via the form.

    Wherever you are in the world, I can’t wait to hear from you 🙂